HCC Kids KNect
Welcome to HCC Kids KNect! Check out what's happening for kids, birth to grade 5 . . .
Nursery & ToddleRS
Open Now For In-Person

HOPE Nursery & 2s-3s program is open. We look forward to welcoming your little ones and caring for them, enabling parents to best participate in our worship service. Rooms open at 10:15AM. Upon arrival, please FIRST check in at an iPad station in the HOPE main lobby so we can keep weekly safe, accurate records of all children and issue name tags.
Our volunteer staff of caring Nursery/2s-3s workers serve to provide a safe, secure, nurturing environment for your child. Children ages 2-3 will play, interact, and enjoy learning simple truths from the Bible.
Health, Safety, and Security Guidelines
Parents are responsible to keep their child(ren) home if any symptoms, fever, or other common signs of illness have been recently present.
Parents MUST check in their child(ren) in HOPE main lobby at an iPad station and use the printed name tag before any child is permitted into a room/group.
Our facility is professionally cleaned weekly by a company using current industry best practices.
Each room is supplied with sanitizing wipes, cleaning supplies, and hand sanitizer dispensers. Group leaders & assistants will use these supplies as needed.
Please provide your own baby care supplies (diapers, wipes, etc.) to the group leader when dropping off your child.
HOPE provides pager-buzzers to parents at child drop-off which will notify you if you must come down to attend your child. Please keep the pager-buzzer on your person for the duration of the worship service, and be sure to return it when picking up your child.
We will monitor room capacities.
We do not require masks at our Sunday services or HCC Kids programs. Masks are still welcome, of course. We choose to leave it up to the individual or family to personally practice what's appropriate & comfortable for them. This applies to adults, children, and people staffing the various ministries. HOPE abides by CDC and NJ State officially released guidelines/orders.
We ask families to promptly inform HOPE Office Staff if their child tested positive for Covid and that child attended HCC Kids. This enables us to properly notify families of other children in attendance (without revealing names) by use of our check-in records for that date & group.
Pre K to 6th Grade
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Week Of Sept 26, 2021
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