Being baptized and witnessing baptisms are some of the most exciting times of celebration at HOPE as the power of a changed life by Jesus is displayed before all!
Baptism is an outward expression of an inward transformation that has already taken place through our personal faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. It's a public acknowledgment to the world you've made the decision to follow Jesus.
Baptism is like a wedding ring—it’s an outward symbol of your covenant and life commitment. A ring is not required to be or stay married. However, the ring is a rich symbol to the bride and groom of their covenant with God and each other, telling the world of their commitment. This is similar to Baptism. Being baptized shows others you’ve surrendered your life to Jesus and allows them to celebrate this decision with you (Acts 16:31-34).
It's important to understand baptism does not save a person. The Bible teaches in many places (for example, see Ephesians 2:8-9) salvation is based on personal faith in Jesus Christ apart from any other action. So, baptism is a symbol of the salvation that has already taken place in your life! Water baptism by immersion is a means of identifying with the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation precedes baptism and never depends upon it.
We obey the teaching of God's Word to baptize all who are followers of Jesus Christ, by His grace alone, through faith confessing Him as their personal Savior and Lord, believing in Him as God's Son raised from the dead, and who understand the nature of baptism.
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